Aprix Sport

Yoga Makes Your Day

5 Golden Nutrition Rules

Not many people know how to keep up with a healthy and nutritious diet in daily life. Sometimes even those who find it exciting to preach to other people how to develop a sense of motivation and inspiration for eating healthy food, often lose their own nutritional motivation. So here are some small secrets which will let you know how to carry out vital nutrition and build self-control which will help you to lead a satisfying and healthy life.

If you are obsessed with food, and can’t control your desire for eating that foodstuff (without even considering that it is either healthy or dangerous to you), don’t worry because you are not alone.

Eventually, every one of us develops some kind of urge for food, to be more particular – unhealthy food, and also falls prey to them most of the times. The habits which you develop matter a lot.

Thus, here is a brief list of 5 golden rules which you must follow to live a healthy life and develop the habits which can leave an enhancing effect on your diet. These rules are quite convenient so that anyone can adopt them easily. Let’s take a quick overview of the golden secrets of a healthy life.

1. The-half-plate-to-eat rule

The contents which can be found on your plate while eating matter a lot when it comes to your nutritional habits. Make it a habit of filling half of your plate with vegetables and fruits while the remaining half is further divided into two parts. The quarter part of plate should consist of healthy carbs and the remaining quarter portion should be comprised of lean protein (meat, pulses, etc.)

2. Use five ingredients or less

Always check the nutritional labels given on the packaging of any product to know the ingredients which it contains. If their number is 5 or less, the food is good for you to consume.

3. Calories-to-fat deficiency

While looking at the nutritional labels on the packages, make sure to notice not only the calories but also the calories which come from fat. Check the difference between these two amounts. If you are consuming food with the difference of 100 or less, then your diet is healthy.

4. A 6-inches plate

Many people among us are taught to clean their plate before ending the meal. And if you have a plate with the size of 10 inches, you have to eat every bit of the food item which it contains. However, the optimum sized plate is 6 inches, which can be cleaned easily while consuming half the calories.

5. The forks-down rule

Put your fork or spoon down for a moment after finishing every bit of food. Give yourself some time so that you can chew the food completely and then swallow it down. The slower you eat, the better your nervous system will function. Those who eat quickly, their nervous system starts processing slowly.

Yoga Poses That Will Keep Athletes Free From Injury

In case you have a passion for sports, you know that you can acquire injuries through the imbalance of your biometric and repetitive motions. But in case you are practicing yoga, you have a powerful tool that can prevent injuries. Yoga teaches us to have a higher awareness of our body. With this awareness, we will be able to properly determine the part of our body that is more likely to acquire injury and address it immediately. Your sports training method will lead to muscle tension, restricted motion and limited power that can lead to injury. Furthermore, yoga is a mixture of passive and active stretching that will keep you free from injury.

Common Injuries that Athletes Experience

In this article, we will tackle the common injuries that are experienced by the athletes, their symptoms and the yoga poses that can help in preventing them.

Plantar Fasciitis

Probably, one of the most common foot injuries that athletes are experiencing today is plantar fasciitis. This is an inflammation on our plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is basically the group of tissue that is attached to our toe and heel bone and extends to our sole. Tightness on our calf muscle, ankle and Achilles tendon and constant striking using our feet can lead to stress. This will result to inflammation and micro tear. Plantar fasciitis should be treated, or it can lead to bone spurs which can cause pain on our back, hip and knee. Symptoms of plantar fasciitis include an excessive pain on our heels that is usually worst during the morning.

The yoga pose that you can use to prevent plantar fasciitis include sole stretch, Supta Padangusthana, and Sucirandhrasana. It will help in stretching and extending the tissues found in our sole and the rear portion of our legs. This will help immensely in reducing the tension in our plantar fascia.

Ilioitibial Band Syndrome

The pain in the knee that most athletes feel can be an irritation in our IT (Iliotibial) band. This band is a fibrous element, and the source of the problem would be the surrounding muscles. In most cases, the muscles found in our hip that is connected with the IT band will experience muscle tension. This can affect the gliding ability of the IT band and limit the mobility of our hip. The pain that one feels is located on the outer part of our knee that will extend to our thigh, hip and calf muscles. Uttanasana, Anjaneyasana, and Supta Gomukhasana are some of the yoga poses that can prevent this injury that can affect your mobility. This will keep the IT band and the enclosed tissue to remain flexible and more resistant to injury and friction.

Relaxing with the help of Yoga is definitely the best way to prevent injuries. In yoga, we will be able to relax the parts of our body and loosen the muscle tension. This guide will not just be useful for the athletes but also for people who spend their entire day sitting in front of the computer.